Decree by Synod of Bishops on Humanitarian, Material Aid to Ukrainian Refugees

From the Eastern American Diocese website:
THE FOLLOWING WAS CONSIDERED: The provision of aid to Ukrainian refugees.
- To express gratitude to the Fund for Assistance to the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, as well as to the parishes, monasteries, and various philanthropists of the Russian Church Abroad, for the aid provided to the multitude of refugees and exiles from the fratricidal war in the territory of Ukraine, as was noted in the Paschal Epistle of His Eminence, Metropolitan Hilarion, of blessed memory: "…Since February of this year, when the new hostilities began, the dioceses and parishes of the Russian Church Abroad, our Fund for Assistance, and our other ecclesiastical and social organizations have been responding with kind hearts, vigorously and generously, to this terrible catastrophe. May the Lord save you all for your sacrificial labors! Such concrete help prevents us from becoming ‘salt that hath lost his savour’(Matthew 5:13), and shows that we can and must become more involved in the conciliar work of building the Church. We, as God’s people, scattered throughout the entire world, have many gifts and talents with which we can serve not only Him, Who with His most-pure Blood perfected our salvation, but can also serve His Holy Church and our neighbor. So, let us not grow weak in spirit or fall into despair, but ‘let us commit ourselves and one another and all our life unto Christ our God!’"
- To call upon the faithful flock of the Church to continue these good works unto the glory of God and the benefit of our neighbors.
- To instruct parish and monastery rectors to read this decree from the solea on the nearest Sunday after receipt.
Whereby this decree is issued.
Secretary of the Synod of Bishops
Deputy Secretary of the Synod of Bishops
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