Monastery News

Our new product catalog for 2018 has been printed and mailed! View it here...
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On Saturday, November 11, 2017 Archimandrite Seraphim and his brotherhood gathered at the monastic cemetery to serve a pannikhida for Hieromonk Kallistos, the founder of Holy Cross Monastery, on the 25th anniversary of Fr. Kallistos’ repose. At the memorial meal following, Fr. Kallistos’ life and example were recalled; Fr. Seraphim then exhorted the brotherhood to persevere in their monastic calling and in the bonds of love and unity, thereby rendering honor to Fr. Kallistos, by whose prayers the brotherhood continues to carry on his legacy.
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On Wednesday, September 27 the Hermitage of the Holy Cross celebrated the Feast of the Exaltation of the Precious Cross, its patronal feast.
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On August 8-9 the brotherhood celebrated the feast of the Monastery’s patron, Saint Panteleimon, with numerous faithful in attendance. An article from the website of the Diocese of Eastern America gives more detail...

The 2017 summer newsletter has been printed and is mailing now, along with the Pilgrims' Guide for the 2017 Feast of St. Panteleimon (August 8 & 9) and Pilgrimage Weekend (September 30 & October 1).
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