Two New Shrines in the Monastery Chapel

Two New Shrines in the Monastery Chapel - Holy Cross Monastery
Just in time for the feast of the Royal Martyrs of Russia, two brand new, exquisitely crafted shrines were installed in the Monastery chapel, one each for the Royal Martyrs and the Holy Elders of Optina. An anonymous benefactor who has great love for the Royal Martyrs and the Optina Elders commissioned master artist Andrew Gould to design and build the two shrines for our Monastery, along with a magnificent reliquary. This project has taken over a year to complete and involved the services of a dozen skilled craftsmen. The shrines and reliquary were personally delivered by Andrew Gould and placed in the chapel just in time for the 100th Anniversary of the Martyrdom of the Royal Family. We are extremely grateful to God and His Saints for this tremendous blessing, and to Andrew Gould and his team.


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