Sermons & Homilies

Sermon for the Transfiguration (2017)
Today the light of the divine glory shines forth from the face of a man, the God-man Jesus Christ. Today is revealed the mystery of God hidden from before the ages, “God hath appeared in the flesh,” showing to us not only Who He is, but also who we are called to be: partakers of the divine nature, sons of God and co-heirs with Christ. The same glory with which He shines today on Mount Tabor He desires to shine forth from us, sinners though we are, in the Kingdom of His Father. This same glory we see shining now in the halos of all the saints whose icons surround us every day.
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Sermon for the 9th Sunday after Pentecost (2017)

...Often we look away from Christ, and we focus on the boisterous winds and the crashing waves—that is, the great turmoil of the world, its political and national battles, our many passions and sins. Then, we begin to sink, for we have allowed ourselves to think that all these things are more powerful and real than Christ.

Yet, we can still cry out like Peter: “Lord, save me!” And He will quickly reach out His hand to us, gently rebuking our lack of faith; and then, when we become aware of our great weakness, and when Christ sees fit, He will establish us in His grace again, making the winds to cease. And, like the apostles, we will then be convinced of His power, confessing that He is the Son of God, and worship Him in spirit and truth. And like Thomas our doubt will vanish when we feel Christ’s life-giving action within our very souls and bodies...

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Sermon for the Feast of the Apostles Peter & Paul 2017
These luminaries are actually and chronologically our “Fathers among the Saints,” who have begotten us through the Gospel throughout time, us who were living among the dead. They are the fountainhead after whom the Holy Spirit has coursed through the ages of men, that fountain of living water bringing life and light to all men who live in a dry and deserted place. Out of this righteous pair grows that tree of righteousness, which the Preacher says will flourish, the root of which shall not be moved and the fruit of which becomes a tree of life to those of us, barren of all good works.
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Sermon for All Saints of Russia 2017
All of these saints of Russia are calling us to heaven, interceding with pain and tears for us; they are here to help us at all times. She is our Patroness, Holy Rus’. She is our Mother; and Her saints are our brothers and sisters, fathers and mothers.
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