Sermons & Homilies

Today is the glorious feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord. Today is the feast of deification. Today the Church reminds us that our goal is to become saints in this life. Today Christ takes His disciples up Mount Tabor with Him and gives them a preview of the glory He has in store for us in the next life.
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Commenting on St. Peter’s wavering faith in today’s Gospel, St. John Chrysostom boldly states: “When our part is lacking, God’s part also stands still!” The Gospels teach the same. When Christ came to His hometown of Nazareth, St. Mark explains that He was unable to work any powerful works there except for a few healings. Why? “Because of their unbelief,” their lack of faith.
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Anamnesis is a term which describes how past events are brought into the present moment; however, it is more than remembrance or recollection. In effect, it is the removal of the historical aspect of an event or events which in turn makes all of time (historical and future) an eternally present moment.
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We celebrate today the feast of the Holy, Glorious, and All-Praised Apostles Peter & Paul. Out of all the countless generations of mankind, out of all the vast multitudes of every tongue and tribe and nation to have lived and...
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The Feast of Pentecost, also called “Trinity Sunday,” is a Feast which affirms the role of the Trinity in the creation of the material world and the role of the Trinity in the recreation of humanity who at one time only looked down towards the earth and towards earthly delights, but now is able to look up to the heavens and the delights that come from the heavenly world.
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