Sermons & Homilies

Fiery Zealots for the Faith - Panegyric for the Feast of the Holy Apostles Peter & Paul (2024)
The names of the Holy Glorious Pre-eminent Apostles Peter and Paul are sweet food to the tongue which utters them. This food is most nourishing for the heart. Through their names we remember their persons. Through their persons our hearts are impressed upon by their lives, deeds, and words. Not only this, but by their names we are able to impress upon their hearts our needs and petitions, if we invoke them with humility, faith, fervency, and honesty. Let us first remember them that we may move our hearts to call upon them and move their hearts towards us.
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Fighting the Good Fight: Confidence and Love Towards God - A Homily on the 31st Sunday after Pentecost

When we consider our death, do we approach it with a dreadful fear of God, or do we approach it with a sober and conscientious love toward God?

In today’s epistle reading, the Apostle Paul is writing to his spiritual son Timothy, and this will be the last epistle that the Apostle will ever write, because, as he says, “the time of my departure is at hand,” (2 Tim. 4.6ff) because he is soon to go on to Rome where he will be executed and die a martyr’s death under Nero.

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God Is Love - Sermon for St. John the Theologian (2022)
It was given to the Son of Thunder to make the most memorable proclamations in the whole of Scripture—In the beginning was the Wordthe Word was made fleshGod is love. Volumes of theology have been written about each one of those statements, and still their force and meaning has not been exhausted, their depths have not fully been plumbed.
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