Spiritual Articles

Never Forgotten - Lenten Prayer for the Departed
We stand at the threshold of the Lenten spring. Soon, leaves will be budding, flowers blooming. Soon, thrushes will be singing, Paschal bells pealing. Soon, red eggs will be dyed, white vestments donned, festive tables spread, and Lenten fare—gone.
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Of Wrath and Righteousness - Reflections on America's Current Historical Moment
America is a nation in crisis. We have been facing a political crisis of ever-deepening division and widespread distrust in our own leaders for many, many years now. With the emergence of the COVID-19, we are being confronted with a public health crisis of a magnitude unparalleled in living memory. This in turn has precipitated an economic crisis of massive proportions, one which will almost certainly rival (if not exceed) the Great Depression itself.
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Sermon of St. Epiphanius of Cyprus for Holy Saturday
What is this? Today, great silence in the earth. What is this? Great silence and great stillness. Great silence, for the King sleeps. The earth feared and was still when God fell asleep in the flesh. God died in the flesh, and Hell trembled. God slumbered a short spell, and woke up out of Hell those of times past who were sleeping.
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