Church Update (February 2021)

Church Update (February 2021) - Holy Cross Monastery

Glory to God, last November we finally broke ground on our new temple. The excavation progress went fairly smoothly, and we were able to complete it in good time. However, the excavated soil was different enough from what we had anticipated based on samples taken earlier that we were unable to proceed directly to foundation work, and instead had our engineers rework their designs for the foundation accordingly. We received this new design several months ago, but continuous inclement weather has meant that we are still waiting for an opening to lay the foundation. In the meantime our deaigner and engineers are continuing their work on the remainder of the building, and materials have been purchased and staged to allow us to immediately construct the masonry shell as soon as the foundation is in place.

Thanks to the grace of God and your love and generosity, our fundraising efforts have continued to go well. We have now raised nearly $1.5 million, in addition to the funds we have set aside ourselves from our own income. This is nearing the halfway point of our estimated budget of $3.5 million for the entirety of the new building, including both the church itself as well as a full monastic trapeza and industrial kitchen on the lower level. Though costly, this building has been carefully and prayerfully designed to be able to serve as the heart of Holy Cross Monastery for generations to come, allowing many more monastics as well as pilgrims to be able to fittingly offer up worship to the Lord God, and to entreat His mercy on behalf of a world that is in such great need of His grace.

We want to extent our heartfelt gratitude to everyone for their prayers and financial support for this God-pleasing endeavor, and we ask that you continue to labor together with us as we strive to bring this beautiful vision into reality here in the hills of West Virginia.


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