New Set of Bells Arrives

New Set of Bells Arrives - Holy Cross Monastery

Thanks to a very generous benefactor, a full set of thirteen Russian bells has been donated to the monastery for the belfry of our new church. They were made at the largest bell foundry in Russia and are perfectly tuned.

The new bells arrived last week just before the start of the Vigil service for St. Sergius. The four largest bells will be kept in waiting until the new church is completed. The remaining nine bells will be hung in our current bell tower, and Constantine Stade of New Creation Bellringing will be coming later this month to provide instruction on how to ring them properly. Here is a video of Constantine playing the full set of bells that will eventually be installed in the new church:

We hope to break ground on the new church by the end of the month, and we will provide a major update on the project soon.


  • Mary

    Though I do not have the money to donate, I offered prayers for you, to God Almighty.

    May HIS Will be done for the monks.

  • Ray George Baker

    Glory to Jesus Christ!

  • Philip Colepaugh

    Wow! That sounds amazing! What a blessing those will be to hear!

  • Kenneth Sizer

    I just love the daylights out of that sound. It feels like “welcome home, we are your people” which is completely weird because no one in my family is from Eastern Europe or Orthodox. But I still LOVE it.

  • John

    These are fantastic bells!!

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