Monastery News

Thanks to a very generous benefactor, a full set of thirteen Russian bells has been donated to the monastery for the belfry of our new church. They were made at the largest bell foundry in Russia and are perfectly tuned.
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On Saturday, November 16, the Hermitage was blessed with a visitation of the Mother of God's Kursk-Root Icon, an ancient and miracle-working icon which is considered the protectress of the Russian Church Abroad. At the same time, relics of St. Seraphim of Sarov arrived as a gift to the monastery by the brotherhood of St. Tikhon's Monastery in Pennsylvania. St. Seraphim himself was healed as a child by the Kursk-Root Icon of a severe illness, and this second meeting of the two at our humble monastery was the cause of great joy and gratitude amongst all the brethren.
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On the glorious feast of the Ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ (Thursday, June 6th) our beloved friend and benefactor Maurice Sill departed this life at the age of 94, only two days after his birthday. On the morning of the Feast, he attended the Divine Liturgy at his home parish of Christ the Saviour in Wayne, West Virginia. He confessed, received Holy Communion, and was in very good spirits. Later, while walking on a nature trail with his grandson, he reposed peacefully in the Lord.
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On Friday, November 2nd, the funeral was served for Nadezhda Sill at Christ the Savior Orthodox Church in Wayne, WV, following which she was buried in the lay cemetery of the Hermitage of the Holy Cross.
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On Saturday the 8th and Sunday the 9th of August, the brethren of Holy Cross Monastery in Wayne, WV, along with His Grace Bishop Nicholas of Manhattan and a multitude of pilgrims, celebrated the feast day of their monastery’s heavenly patron, the Holy Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon.
Schemamonk John, who had been afflicted with cancer and who had returned the Hermitage several weeks earlier, peacefully went to the Lord at 11:50pm on Sunday night of the Feast of St. Panteleimon.