Monastery News

Nativity Epistle of Patriarch Kyrill (2019/2020)
The wondrous miracle of the incarnation of God, which was accomplished more than two thousand years ago, today fills our souls with ineffable joy. "Today God hath come to earth and man hath ascended to the heavens" (verse at festal Vespers). The Maker and Provider of all things has appeared in the world, for by His grace He could not "behold mankind oppressed by the devil" (from the Order of Baptism); "overcome by love, He Who is without beginning and incomprehensible came… to seek out the one who had wandered, His creature" (kontakion for the Parable of the Lost Coin by St. Romanos the Melodist).
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Paschal Epistle of His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion (2019)
With profound spiritual joy in the Lord I greet you all on this jubilant, joyous night of the Matins of the Resurrection of Christ and Paschal Liturgy! I greet you on the Resurrection of Christ, the most triumphant and exultant of all holidays! It is the feast of feast and the festival of festivals, as the Paschal canon declares. But why is this so? Because in all the other holidays, the Lord is presented in the humble form of a servant, but in His Resurrection from the Tomb on the third day He is displayed in all His power and glory, as the Victor over hades and death.
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Paschal Epistle of His Holiness Patriarch Kyrill (2019)

On this wondrous day of great solemnity, filled with a special joy in the Lord Jesus who has risen from the tomb, I convey my heartfelt congratulations to all of you on the great and world-saving feast of Pascha and address you with the words of the ancient life-affirming greeting:


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