Sermons & Homilies

Sermon for the Nativity of the Theotokos (2016)
How common it is for us to celebrate the birth and milestones in the life of our friends and those whom we hold dear. We enjoy celebrating their birthday and achievements expressing our camaraderie in their triumphs along their life’s journey, rejoicing when they rejoice. Is this not even more natural for us to do within the Church?
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Sermon for the 13th Sunday after Pentecost (2016)
In today’s Gospel, we hear the parable of the vineyard... and we have to ask ourselves: “If this parable continues, if the Church is the New Israel, and if we are in the vineyard right now, in God’s Church… then how do we fare in this parable? What role do I play?”
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Sermon for the Beheading of the Forerunner (2016)
Today we commemorate the death of one of the greatest Saints in the Church. We in the Church do not shy away from death as the world does but see it as the entrance from life into true and everlasting life.  For us still here in the world the death of the righteous reveals to us many spiritual truths to aid us on the path of salvation.
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Sermon for the Transfiguration (2016)
"On this day we celebrate an event in which, roughly 2000 years ago, two suns shone upon a mountain top in Palestine. The first sun was the created sun, part of the majesty of God’s created world. And the second sun was the noetic sun, the illumined Son of God, the Uncreated Light, the Son which was God, and which was with God before all things were made. This was the Light of Christ, piercing the darkness of the fallen world."
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