Church Construction & Fundraising Update - Feb. 2024

By God’s grace, the construction of our new monastery church has continued to go extremely well. Since our last newsletter, we have finished installing the beautiful Douglas fir timber ceilings (on both the main church as well as the porch), plastered and painted the exterior walls of the church, installed the windows as well as a number of bells in the bell-tower, and lastly, built and erected both of the domes. The roofing is currently being fabricated and shipped to us, and we are also working on sourcing the metal cupolas to adorn the tops of the domes. Once these last two items are taken care of, the outside of the building will be essentially complete. We will then turn our attention to the interior – completing the electrical and plumbing work, installing the industrial kitchen equipment in the trapeza, putting in the floors, plastering the walls, completing the woodwork, and then finally outfitting the dining hall as well as furnishing and adorning the church itself. There is obviously still a long way to go before we are able to worship and dine in the new building – but it has been a great joy to the brotherhood to finally see a church take shape at the heart of the monastery, rather than merely a construction site!
Thanks to the providence of God and the enormous generosity of our benefactors (as well as the hard work of the monastic brotherhood in our various industries), funding has not yet proved to be an obstacle to construction progress. That said, there still remains a significant way to go until we have sufficient funds to finish and furnish this beautiful temple of God. Your continued prayer and generosity alike remain absolutely essential to our ability to complete this project in service to Christ and His Holy Church. To this end, if you have not already done so we ask you to consider making a monthly pledge toward this work. While a one-time donation will certainly make a difference in the immediate future, in the long term, establishing a recurring monthly donation will help us even more. The more monthly pledges we receive, the easier it becomes to plan and budget our monthly expenses for this important work as we move forward. Our website allows you to easily set up an automatic draft from your credit card or bank account. Consistent, regular monthly donations (whether large or small) are the best way to help us continue our labors in founding English-speaking Orthodox monasticism in America.
Please keep us in your prayers as we continue laboring to build a spiritual home for Orthodox Christians of every jurisdiction, as well as a place of witness to the divine treasures of Orthodoxy for all our beloved fellow Americans.
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